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Luxyยฎ Hair  - Straight, Shiny & Silky Smooth Hair Routine

Straight, Shiny & Silky Smooth Hair Routine

Video Transcription

Hi my beautiful friends. How are you doing? It's Mimi here today and today I'll be showing you how I get my hair super straight and silky. I usually go through phases where I'll either wear my hair mostly curly or mostly wavy, and then sometimes mostly straight. So lately I've been in my straight mode. I realized that I don't have many tutorials where I show you how I straighten my hair. I think my first video ever was me actually straightening my hair, but that was four years ago, so I'm definitely up for an update. So today I'll be showing you how I get my hair straight with my Luxy hair extensions. I usually flat iron my hair first and then I straighten the extension separately. I'll be going through all the steps and let's begin.

Before I start straightening my hair, I'm going to walk you through what we're going to need for this process. One of the things is just a brush to brush each section before I actually straighten it. Definitely going to need a straightener. I used to use GHD all the time. When I moved to London, I actually left it in Canada, so I just brought my Rowenta straighter. I don't even know how I ended up with this straighter. I think Layla gave it to me. I don't really know. It's pretty good. It's not amazing, but it's a good flat iron.

Another thing that we're going to be using is a heat protectant, which I stopped using for a few years when I stopped using products that test on animals and that have a lot of chemicals. Very recently I found this at Whole Foods. It's by a company called Giovanni and it's a heat protectant that also smoothes your hair and makes it silky, which is great because it's got Moroccan oil. I guess they mean argan oil, it says Moroccan argan oil, but I guess that's what they mean. It's got a really nice clean formulation. Also, it doesn't test on animals, which is always a bonus. I'll be using this on my hair and the extensions. After I finish straightening the hair, I always use another drop of argan oil to smooth it all out. And we're going to need a hair clip. And I think that is it. So let's begin.

So as you can see, my hair is in its natural state, which is wild, frizzy, and untamed. This was pretty much me doing nothing to my hair. I just let it air dry. What I'm going to do next, I'm going to section my hair. This one is just going to stay here. So I'm going to just split it into sections right and left. And then I'm going to start with my left section. And I'm just going to take small sections first, separate the rest, clip it away, just going to brush it. Quickly spritz it with a heat protectant. We're going to brush it one more time and then I'm going to go in with a flat iron starting at the roots, slowly going to the ends of the hair.

And when I do this, I always go back into this section with a brush and I re brush it. This helps to keep the hair smooth and silky. So sometimes I'll go this, I'll be holding the brush together right under and flat ironing right over it. And then if there's anything small, like here I have baby hairs. I'll just go back in there just to make sure I'm happy with it. So I'm going to go back one more time into this section. Go over it one more time. So that's the first section when I'm done, it's super straight. It's super silky and it's super shiny. I'm going to show you maybe a couple more sections before I speed up the whole process. Otherwise this video will be two hours long. I'm kidding. It's going to be 25 minutes. Let's do one more section. I'm going to separate my hair.

The reason I spray every section separately is because I feel this way I actually do get the product on every single section as opposed to just spraying it all over and then some hair won't get the heat protectant. This way I ensure that I definitely have the heat protect totally spread out in my hair. Sometimes I'll even go back and spray a little more on the ends. That's where most of the damage would be and then usually go with a brush this way, flat iron only in my right hand and then just go in there. It doesn't need to be perfect. Sometimes I'll just go back and pick it up with my... I learned this technique from my hairstylist in Toronto who is amazing. I've been going to her for 10 years now. Whenever she flat irons my hair, this is how she does it.

Another thing I forgot to mention is the setting on your flat iron. Some of them just come with one setting. This one comes with three, so the lowest is 360, then it's 410, and then the highest is 450. Now if your hair is naturally straight, you'd definitely want to just flat iron it at the lowest setting. My hair is sort of wavy curly. It's not really super curly, so I go at 410. It's in Fahrenheit. And then the highest setting, I would only recommend this if your hair is really thick, really coarse, really frizzy, and super curly. So you just want to make sure you're not using the wrong heating setting because that's going to definitely affect the results of the style. All right, so that's my second section done and now I'm going to continue doing the exact same thing for the rest of my hair.

So now you can see the before, the crazy wild hair, and after, the smooth, silky, and straight hair. And now I'm just going to go to my rights section and do the exact same thing.

And that's it. I'm finally finished straightening all of my hair. As you can see, it's super straight and silky now. This is not it because now I'm going to be flat ironing my hair extensions. When I flat iron my Luxys, I do the exact same thing as I would with my hair. Again, I'll show you a few strands. This is a one clip weft. I wear their ombre chestnut set just in case you were wondering. I didn't wash it. I mean I've washed it but I washed it a few weeks ago. I've just worn it maybe in curly, and this is kind of from the previous style. Now what I'm going to do, I'm going to go in with heat protect first because you always want to make sure to use a heat protectant. Especially in hair extensions because they do not get any oils from the scalp so they can dry out a lot faster.

I'm just going to brush it out so the product disperses and then I'm going to go in with my flat iron. And usually what I do, I just hold the weft and then I go with a flat iron. I'll just flat iron it like that and then I'll go in with a brush. I'll brush out that section, go back with a flat iron. I can't do the exact same thing I do on my hair because here I still have to hold the weft. I only have two hands to work with and that's why I'll put the flat iron down, I'll brush out the section, then I'll go over it with a straightener. And then I'll go back with my brush, brush it out, and then I'll go back in with my flat iron until I'm happy with the results. Right now it's looking pretty straight.

I don't want to kill the volume. If you go in with your straightener too many times, you make the hair too straight and that kills the volume, so I will leave it at this where it still has a lot of volume in it. I'm going to show you one more section and this is a two clip weft. Again, I'm going to go back with my product, spray the heat protectant all over, got to protect the hair so it lasts a longer time. Brush it out. So beautiful. I talk to my hair and I talk to extensions. And just go back in with the straightener from the roots. Slowly run it down and I'm going to go back in with a brush, brush it out, and I'll do the bottom section. It's a good workout for the arms too, by the way. And I'm going to continue doing the exact same thing on each and every single one.

I just want to mention that when I work with bigger wefts, like the three clip weft or the four clip weft because it's so wide, what I like to do is fold it in two because it just makes it easier. The section is smaller that way and then I'll brush it out and then I'll do the same thing. I'll just start with the roots and slowly work my way down. I find that helps a lot. Now that I have my Luxy super straight and silky, I'm going to quickly clip them in and come back to show you the final result.

So now that I've clipped in my Luxy hair extensions, I'm just going to go over everything and just brush my hair, which will blend my hair with the extensions and I can't even see the separation already. I mean I haven't even blended them in together, but as I'm brushing the hair, if you were to tell me where is my hair and where there's extensions, I wouldn't be able to tell you. It's all one. And as a very last step to this very long hair tutorial, I'm going to use this Argan oil.

I'm just going to spray a little drop as you can see on my palm. I don't know if you can see it and then I'm going to rub the two of my hands together and then I'm going to just start with my ends and just run it through my ends and then the least product I have the better as I move up to my hair, I'm just going to carefully smooth out any fly aways with whatever oil is left in my palms. And same with the back. And then go back to my ends. And that usually does the trick. And I'll show you the back.

That's it for today. My beautiful friends, this was my straight hair routine. It is pretty simple to do, but it does take some time and effort, so just keep that in mind. But usually anything good in life takes some time and effort and it's definitely, definitely worth it when you are done and you hair is looking straight and smooth and silky. Thank you so much for tuning in. Make sure to post your recreations on Instagram with Luxy hair hashtag I would absolutely love to see how your hair turns out after you do it as well. I love you guys and I'll see you next week.

In this video I show you my routine to get straight, shiny & silky smooth hair. I'm wearing my Luxy Hair Extensions in Ombre Chestnut (find them here) .

Try it out and post a pic on your Instagram using the #luxyhair hashtag, we love seeing your recreations and we feature our favorites on our Luxy Hair Instagram :)

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