How are Halo® hair extensions different from Clip-In hair extensions?

Halo Hair Extensions


Halo® hair extensions are a lower maintenance alternative to our Clip-In extensions. Instead of having to clip in multiple wefts to ensure a seamless blend, all you need to do is apply the Halo® hair extension and two 2-clip wefts to the side of your temples in a matter of seconds. Halo® hair extensions are also great for those with thin and fragile hair and for those who have a sensitive scalp and find it hard wearing clip-in extensions. They are best for those who have below shoulder length hair and have a thin or medium hair type. 

While both Clip-In and Halo® hair extensions deliver the same beautiful results, the main difference lies in the difference in application techniques. Click here for a comparison chart and to learn about which extensions are best for you.


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